Yesterdays tape and how I traded it explains a lot. Seeing the market yesterday morning attempt on several times to make new highs and failing right at the previous days highs, I initiated short positions at about 1100 am est. My instincts proved correct and the market continued to drop steadily til about 2pm. Some time in mid afternoon having built up substantial profits, and not wanting to risk them going to this mornings release of GDP and Continuing Jobless Claims, i covered my shorts and felt quite swell about my self! Covering shorts involves buying back previously sold shares, giving the market somewhat of a bounce. I can assure you minds far greater than my own with laughably larger account bases(read Beeeelions, mwha ha ha ha ha) executed exactly the same strategy, multiplying the effect. At this point I was done for the day doing the happy dance. I suspect sharp bulls and even sharp bears realized this phenomena, and bought into it, magnifying the squeeze. Voila! the PPT. If the Govt could really organize such a trick, COULDN'T WE SOLVE THE ENTIRE BANKING/ECONOMIC/BUDGET DEFICIT/WORLD HUNGER/AND THE BATTLE OF THE SEXES, BY SIMPLY SPECULATING WILDLY IN THE FUTURES MARKETS(since they know when they will successfully manipulate the markets), BOOK HUGE PROFITS, AND CALL IT A DAY? It is not that easy sports fans. This mornings release of the GDP numbers and Jobless claims at 820 EST, should set the tone for today's trading, good numbers should send the market scalding higher, let's go get em!